Translingual Creative Writing

ILFU Workshop 3: The Agency of Breath
by Iris Bosma “We don’t all breathe on equal terms. Breathing is a way to articulate (resistance to) these power relations.” – Magdalena Górska “Poetry allows for mindfulness, slowing down being out of breath due to the fast pace of life.” – S*an Henry-Smith The third Translingual Creative Writing workshop, held at the ILFU office…
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ILFU Workshop 2: Queer Code-switching
Obe Alkema. Photo: Jared Meijer By Jared Meijer Following an intimate, enervating workshop by the poet Dong Li, on “Translation as Creative Inspiration”, the second workshop in this series centered around “Translingual Creative Writing”, held at the main office of the International Literature Festival Utrecht, examined the practice of “Queer Code-Switching”. The workshop took place…
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ILFU Workshop 1: Translation as Creative Inspiration
by Iris Bosma On 24 November 2023, the first “Translingual Creative Writing” workshop, organized through the NWO-Veni project “Poetry in the Age of Global English” in collaboration with International Literature Festival Utrecht, took place. This workshop is part of a series of four public workshops across the academic year, in which guest writers read from their…
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